Years 3-6

The Shrubbery School follows the National Curriculum in English and Mathematics and uses a creative curriculum to inspire youngsters to learn.  Subjects taught in school include:


At The Shrubbery, we believe that Mathematics should be taught as relevant to everyday life, an essential tool which supports other curriculum areas.  Pupils develop practical skills and mental agility whilst being provided with with opportunities for problem solving.


In English we aim to encourage a love of reading and writing in its many forms. We encourage our pupils to think, speak and write creatively and provide opportunities for them to develop their reading and comprehension skills.

Modern Foreign Languages

Modern foreign languages focus on both oral and written skills. French is taught in years 3-6. Pupils consolidate their speaking and listening through songs, role-play and games.


Pupils discover scientific concepts and explore ideas through a fun, practical, hands-on approach. Teaching aims to make science relevant to everyday life.

Religious Education

Pupils study the major religions of the world and are encouraged to talk about their own beliefs and values and seek to understand those of others.  We explore challenging questions about the purpose of life, beliefs about God, issues of right and wrong, and what it means to be human.


We feel it is essential that our pupils are given opportunities for personal and social development. Through PSHEE lessons, our pupil’s learn to reflect on their experiences and understand how they are developing personally and socially. They also learn about many of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. We use PHSEE to help build a positive working relationship between children and staff, where all members of our school family feel valued as individuals.

Art & Design Technology

In Art and Design Technology, our pupils work on a wide range of different skills and techniques. Pupils are given inspiration through introductions to well-known artists and visits to local galleries and exhibitions.

Computing and e-safety

Computing is embedded throughout the curriculum and e-safety is at the heart of our teaching.   As active participants in a digital world our pupils are taught to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly.

All Y6 pupils are provide with their own iPad to enhance their curriculum learning.


In History, pupils gain an understanding and awareness of past societies and these are related to currents affairs and life today. Pupils  are encouraged to undertake their own independent research and give class presentations. Visiting speakers, trips to museums and artefacts bring these lessons to life.


Studying places, the human processes which shape them and the people who live in them, Geography helps to equip our pupils with an understanding and appreciation of the world in which they live. Pupils are encouraged to consider real world issues, their own values and their responsibilities to others and the environment.

As children progress through the Junior School, Verbal and Non-verbal reasoning is introduced to promote problem solving strategies. These skills are useful for children sitting grammar school entrance examinations but also are good for vocabulary building and critical thinking.